Go Places With These 5 Tourism Marketing Tips

tourism marketingIf your tourism business isn’t prioritizing online marketing, you could be losing a lot of business.

Nowadays, travelers don’t go anywhere without consulting social media channels and doing online research first.

During their planning stage, they’ll look for inspiration on Facebook, browse Instagram photos, read company reviews and ask questions about their desired destination.


When creating your tourism marketing plan, your main goal should be to provide value for your website visitors and social media followers.

So read on to discover five unique and creative marketing tactics to attract new customers for your tourism business.

Our Five Best Tourism Marketing Tips

1. Use Influencer Programs to Drive Exposure to Your Brand

More and more companies are using influencer marketing to draw attention to their brand.

You’ll need an influencer that specializes in your niche. Go for those who have a highly engaged audience because those are the people who’ll be exposed to your brand.

Basically, you offer the influencer a discounted (or complimentary!) stay in your premises in exchange for a blog post, video, or Instagram photo and mention. This way, you’ll attract many new visitors to your website.

2. Create a Social Media Challenge

Social media challenges created by brands are very popular. And you can use this tourism marketing strategy to generate buzz for a specific location, tour or service.

For example, for seven consecutive days, have your Instagram or Facebook fans share what they would do on a trip to Paris. Encourage them to use your hashtags and tag your company. At the end of the challenge, select a lucky winner and offer them a real trip to Paris.

This will not only create interest in your brand, but you’ll also build trust and have tons of user-generated content to use in the future.

3. Make Stunning Destination Videos

If you’re a tour operator or travel agency, creating quality destination videos should be a crucial part of your marketing strategy.

The videos must be focused on value rather than on promoting your business. You can talk about the best places to eat, the best bars in an area, how to get around, or those secret places nobody knows.

For example, if you’re offering Vietnam as a destination, place a video and links on your website where people can learn more about the trip.

These efforts will boost your website traffic as search engines rank video content higher.

4. Divide Your Strategy by Traveler Type

Your target market consists of different kinds of travelers: singles, couples, families, groups of friends, retirees, etc.

The marketing you execute should meet each category’s needs.

For instance, if you’re offering romantic getaways, target newlyweds or engaged people. And if they book a trip through your ads, offer them a romantic dinner at the destination as a prize.

5. Create a Discussion Platform

Discussion platforms are a great way for brands to connect with their audience.

The best channels to do this are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Here, you can answer questions related to your services and the destinations, tours or deals you offer.

People will appreciate the time and effort you take to reply to their questions. And that’s a crucial step towards building and earning their trust.

Bottom Line

Now that you’ve learned the best tourism internet marketing tips, it’s time to put them to practice.

Is there a marketing tactic you swear by for your business? Let us know in the comments below!