Do It for the Gram! How to Attract the Most Instagram Followers

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What types of content do you most often share on your social networks? Chances are good that a lot of it is visual in nature. In fact, visual content is 40 times more likely than other types to be shared.

This helps explain the popularity of primarily visual platforms like Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram. Want to learn how to get the most Instagram followers? Read on for 5 invaluable tips!

1. Tell Stories

Since the dawn of humanity, we have told others (and ourselves) stories as a way of making sense of the word. The medium may have changed, but stories — and Instagram Stories, capital S — are still an incredibly effective way to encourage engagement.


IG users who enjoy Stories tend to be highly engaged, with one in every five Stories views resulting in a direct message.

Make sure to use relevant hashtags and location features — it’s an easy and effective method for gaining new followers.

2. Interact with Relevant Accounts

Another basic but impactful action to get more Instagram followers? Follow others in your industry or community, and engage with their posts. There’s a good chance that if you like them, they’ll like you back. Learn more about IG likes here.

In your haste to comment on as many pics as possible, you might be tempted to dish out generic compliments (“Great post!” “This is awesome!” “So cool!”). Resist that temptation, or you might get mistaken for a bot.

3. Tag — You’re It!

IG offers two ways to tag others: its tagging function, and @ mentions. Use both to capture the attention of users who are likely to connect with your brand. They will get a notification, and more importantly, they can easily share your post with their own followers.

That means a boost in views for you!

4. Hashtags Are Hot

Are you using hashtags? You should be. Granted, huge chunks of hashtags can be offputting to users, so choose yours carefully. Tap into trends when you can, but don’t jump on a bandwagon just to join in. Make sure you can make a relevant, natural connection to the topic.

Don’t be afraid to create a custom hashtag or two. Use it consistently, and encourage your followers to use it as well. You can develop branded hashtags that are evergreen, or make new ones that are specific to a season, occasion, or promotion that you are running.

5. Consider Contests to Get the Most Instagram Followers

Speaking of promotions, have you ever run an Instagram contest? Give it a whirl! Ask your followers to submit photos, caption your photos, suggest a hashtag, or use your product in a clever way.

You can choose the winners yourself, or make it a popularity contest. Either way, award the top entries with gifts, freebies, and discounts. You can even offer a grand prize in which the winning user gets to take over your account for a day, or curate a series of posts!

These Tricks Are Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Just as social media itself continues to change and evolve, so do the strategies for connecting with social media followers. Stay abreast of developments and trends to get the most Instagram followers possible.

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