Currying Favor: 4 Digital Marketing Tips Every Courier Service Needs

digital marketing tips

As a courier service, you know firsthand just how important your reputation is when it comes to the success of your business.

But what you might not be as aware of?

The digital marketing tips that you need in order to be able to grow your company’s reach online.


The marketing tips contained in this post won’t just help you to make a better connection with your target market. They’ll also show you how you can dominate the local competition.

Sound good?

We know it does — so read on.

1. Build up Online Customer Reviews

One of the most essential digital marketing tips that we can give a courier service?

Your reputation lives and dies by what past customers are saying about their experience with working with you online.

While there’s certainly nothing wrong with featuring some of your best client testimonials on your actual website?

The truth is that people are likely to question their validity — and they know that you’re going to show only the most positive things on your site.

This is why claiming your listings on places like Yelp and especially Google My Business is a must.

This allows customers to post unbiased reviews. But more importantly?

It gives you the opportunity to respond to them.

Make sure, of course, that you keep your responses measured and fair. Lashing out at unhappy customers isn’t exactly the best way for you to build up a loyal client base.

2. Get as Local as Possible

As a courier service, you know that your local market is certainly your most important one.

You need to figure out the best ways to market them.

One of the easiest ways to do this is by adding a Google Map to your website. This means that your business will have a much higher chance of showing up in navigation or mobile local search results.

Additionally, when you’re creating keywords, make sure that you choose location-based options.

This means that you’ll need to include the name of your city, service area, or state.

Localize your online content as much as possible, too. Write about upcoming events in your town, local sports team and charities, and anything else that proves you’re engaged in what’s happening in the world around you.

Customers want to work with companies who care about their communities.

3. Adapt to Changes in How People Search

When people want to find something online, they head to a search engine like Google and type in a few relevant keywords, right?

Yes — but in today’s world, that’s far from the only way that people search.

You need to adapt to current digital marketing trends in how people search if you want to outrank your competitors.

This means that you need to create longtail keywords with voice search in mind.

Aim to include keywords that answer questions, and are actually similar to the way that people talk — not the way that they type.

This way, you’ll increase your website’s likelihood of ending up in what’s called the “Snippets” section of Google.

This means that, for those who are using things like Echo or Alexa, your site’s content will actually be read aloud to them by their device.

4. Get Critical of Your Website

The final — and likely the most important — entry on the list of digital marketing tips that your courier service can’t live without?

Now is the time to ensure that your website is secure, easy to navigate, and above all, actually optimized for SEO.

This means that you should switch to HTTPS browsing as opposed to the fat less secure HTTP browsing option. You should run frequent backups of your website, develop a strong password policy, and take care to encrypt all sensitive data, like customer credit cards and contact information.

You should also evaluate how quickly your website loads — whether it’s being viewed as a mobile site, as a full site on a mobile device, or on a desktop computer.

Since about half of all mobile users will click away from (and likely never return to) a site that doesn’t fully load in three seconds or under? Speed matters much more than many people realize.

When it comes to site optimization as it relates to intuitive navigation?

Include your contact information on every internal page, and even consider installing a chatbot to act as a digital customer service representative. This will shorten your sales funnel and improve a customer’s overall experience on your site in the process.

When it comes to the sort of menu options that you should have on your mail service and courier website?

We suggest that you look at the Certified Mail Label Service website for more advice. Their menu options allow users to print a postage label online, create batch labels, and even generate tracking reports.

These Digital Marketing Tips Will Help Your Business To Grow

Whether you decide to focus mostly on growing the number of reviews that your company gets, or if you want to concentrate on creating localized blog content?

We hope that this post has shown you some of the most effective — and surprisingly easy — digital marketing tips that will benefit your courier service.

Of course, we’re well aware that this is far from the only steps that you’ll take to grow your online presence.

Whether you’re looking for analytical tools to help you to get more traffic, or if you just want to test the speed of your site, we’re here to help.

Keep reading our blog and use our SEO tools and tips to take your digital marketing plan above and beyond what you thought it could be.