3 SEO For Accountant Tips That Will Bring In New Clients Today

SEO for accountants

With about 60% of people who are eligible to pay taxes opting to hire someone, there’s a lot of competition for this chunk of the market.

As most new clients to businesses in just about every industry are arriving on a company’s doorstep via social media, you need to make sure you rank highly. One of the best ways to catch that chunk of the tax market is to have strong SEO for accountants implemented.


Search engines use tools called web crawlers to index the internet as each change is made to any site. That’s how search engines can return so many results so quickly. Sites that are easy to index end up being ranked highly if they meet certain requirements.

If your site hasn’t been optimized for search engines, it’s time to make a strategy. SEO for accountants should follow these 3 tips.

1. Clean Design, Clean Code

Web crawlers judge the value of a website by assessing how clean the code and the website are. If you’ve got broken links and dead ends on your site, you’ll be penalized. If you’ve got a complicated menu system, you’ll end up with a poor ranking.

Create a sitemap that’s easy for web crawlers to find. Go through your site and make sure that you don’t have any broken links. Use a broken link checker tool to catch anything you might have missed.

Your menus should be intuitive and have little to no submenu structure. Follow the three click rule. If anything on your site is hard to get to in more than two or three clicks, you need to simplify things.

2. Hire an Expert

If you don’t have any SEO experts in-house, consider hiring someone. Having your IT person fudge around in your code or having software developers work on it just won’t do. Your IT person could make a mistake and your software developers could think of it as menial work.

Your expert could help you understand SEO reports in order to build a strong strategy.

To make sure your accounting firm is able to rank as highly as possible, hire someone to put together a strategy for you. While it might seem pricey up front, the number of new clients they could bring in from simple SEO solutions will pay off in the end.3. Add Some Content

There’s nothing that search engines love more than websites that post unique and original content frequently. Start a blog with accounting and tax tips. Post your blog writing to your social media profiles for your business and urge followers to share.

As people rely more on your expertise, your brand authority will grow and so will your search ranking. Find ways to work in videos and you’ll be at the top of search rankings before you know it.

Webinars, infographics, and e-books are other proven ways to increase traffic.

SEO for Accountants Takes Patience

With a steady stream of content posted to your social media profiles and blog, you’ll see traffic grow steadily. Use analytics tools to see what works and what doesn’t. That will help you strategize for the future.

If you’re ready to take your SEO to the next level, contact us for more tips.