How Much Does Digital Marketing Cost? A Basic Guide

Digital Marketing Cost

Getting a handle on what your digital marketing budget should be is the first step to getting yourself out there online. 

It might be difficult to figure out what your digital marketing cost will be, but we’re going to give you some tools to think about the figure and how much you need to spend to see actual results. 

Hopefully, the information below will help you get a better idea of how much a business of your size needs to invest in marketing. Let’s get started.

How Much Will Digital Marketing Cost for My Business?


Digital marketing is an essential feature of your business plan in 2021. If you’re not tapping into the business potential that exists online, you’re doing yourself a great disservice. 

One of the beautiful things about digital marketing is that you can tailor your campaign to fit your budget and your goals. Additionally, there are a lot of different areas of digital marketing, all of which contribute significantly to the health of your business. 

Those areas are social media, search engine optimization, and advertising. You can invest significantly in each one of these areas if you want to. A small business SEO campaign can run anywhere from $500 to $1,500.

Social media campaigns are a little more involved, and the cost can start at upwards of $3,000 on the low end. A pay-per-click campaign might cost you even more if you’re looking to see significant results. 

The digital marketing prices listed above are what you can expect if you work with an agency. Fortunately, there are a lot of other options that you can take if you need to. The advantage of working with an agency is the fact that they have experience, expertise, and they’re on the cutting edge of various trends in marketing.

More Affordable Options

If you’re not looking to spend tens of thousands of dollars per year on your marketing, you also have the option to work with freelancers or do the work yourself. 

Freelancers will run anywhere from $50 to $150 per hour. Depending on the skill and experience of the individual, this might be a better investment than a $5,000 campaign. 

It’s also worth noting that there aren’t any significant barriers to entry in the world of marketing for yourself. SEO, social media efforts, and creating PPC advertisements can all be done by anybody. 

There’s a lot of research and effort that goes into optimizing advertisements, content, and the various pages on your site, but it’s possible to do it with free information found online. 

You’ll find, though, that the process of managing a digital marketing campaign on your own winds up being close to a full-time job. So, it’s an option to consider if you’re pressed for marketing funds, but it might not be the most effective if you’re already extremely busy. 

Want to Learn More about Digital Marketing?

We hope our basic guide to digital marketing cost was helpful in giving you a framework for your budget. There’s a lot more to learn about digital marketing, though, and there are other options to explore if the ideas above don’t suit your budget. 

Explore our site for more insight and information into digital marketing, managing your website, and more.