5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an SEO Agency

Hiring an SEO Agency

Are you and your company looking to build your online presence? Do you wish there were a way to more easily reach your target market? If so, then you need to hire an SEO agency to help you out.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a tremendous way to zero in on the primary pain points that your target niche has, then bring them to you. All you need is to find the right SEO company to partner up with.

See below for an in-depth guide on the primary questions you should be asking any SEO agency that you wish to hire.

1. How Can You Help?


Every successful search engine optimization plan starts with an analysis of your current website.

This allows the company to see what you’re currently doing right, notice any errors, and get a better understanding of how they can help you succeed.

For those of you that aren’t familiar, search engine optimization is essentially the practice of making your website more attractive the search engines (such as Google).

Doing so makes your website’s pages climb up Google’s top search results for a specific keyword.

Primary practices for optimizing your website include performing keyword research, embedding links, making your website mobile-friendly, and so much more. It’s a balancing act.

What’s even trickier is that Google’s algorithm changes multiple times a day. You need someone that has a firm understanding of the changes and what your website needs to do to cater to them.

Be sure to ask the SEO company you’re speaking with how they feel they can help you thrive. What services do they offer? How can that service benefit your website right now?

Once they take a look at your site, they will be able to offer up potential solutions, as well as describe how it can help.

2. Do You Offer Keyword Researching Services?

Make no mistake about it, keyword research is an important part of the job. This is where many brands fall short with their digital marketing and SEO endeavors.

Many site owners think that they can use a research tool, find the keyword with the highest search volume, then flood their content with it and expect to see results.

That’s incorrect for two reasons. First, if you flood your site with one keyword, Google will assume you’re trying to use black hat SEO tactics, which will cause your site to fall down their top search result rankings.

Second, it isn’t just a keyword’s search volume that you should be looking into. If the search volume is high, then you can almost guarantee the big companies in your niche have claims to it. Trying to rank higher than them is a lost cause.

So, what do you do? SEO companies with keyword research services can help you find the sweet spot.

They’ll look into keywords that have a high enough search volume, but a low enough keyword density. This means that the keywords you’ll use are being searched for, but fewer sites are trying to rank for them currently.

3. Do You Offer Website Design?

Have you become frustrated with the high bounce rate that your site has? Do you fear that Google is shoving you down their search results pages, instead of up?

If so, then it could be your website design that’s inflicting the most damage. Believe it or not, your site’s design is a make or break for your SEO presence.

In fact, Google looks into many aspects of each site before they willingly start sending their users to you. Google’s site crawlers look for things like page speed, mobile-friendliness, content, ease of navigation, layout, and so forth.

Of course, most business owners don’t understand how to make the most of each one of these features, which is why an SEO company can be so valuable.

Ask the service you’re speaking to if they offer website design. Companies offer SEO services, website design, digital market, and more.

4. Have You Worked With My Industry Before?

While search engine optimization can be resourceful for any industry, different tactics need to be used to make the most of it.

That’s why you need to make sure that the SEO company you’re going to hire has worked with your industry in the past. If so, then ask to see a sample of the work.

The SEO company can shine more light on what that company’s problems were, as well as the solutions they offered to fix them.

5. How Often Will We Communicate?

You should never be left in the dark with your own site’s SEO. You want to find an SEO company that prioritizes communication with their clients over everything else.

Be sure to ask how often they communicate with their clients on average. How often will they fill you in on the projects they’re performing? How frequently will they give you updates on the insights and analytics of your newly-designed website?

Look at this as a learning experience. You’re hiring the top minds in the SEO field so that you can learn more about digital marketing and how you can apply it to your business moving forward.

Invest in an SEO Agency for Your Brand Today

Now that you have seen some of the top questions to ask an SEO agency that you’re speaking with, be sure to use them to your advantage.

Remember, stay focused on your target market. How can the SEO agency help you reach your target niche? What methods do they have that can improve your results?

Be sure to browse our website for more articles on SEO, as well as many other topics that you will enjoy reading about.