5 Creative Ways to Market Your Business Effectively

Online Business Marketing

Did you know that your company should be spending around 12% of your annual revenue on marketing campaigns?

In this day and age, you need to find more creative ways to market your business. You won’t stand out from the crowd without getting innovative.

Don’t worry – you don’t have to invent everything yourself. There are tons of clever ways to expand your audience.


Here are our tips on creative ways to market your business. Check them out below!

1. Humanize Your Social Media 

Everyone’s on social media nowadays. Just having social media accounts for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat isn’t enough. You need to do more!

You also need to be active on your channels. Hire a social media whizz to turn your social media strategy into a marketing machine for your brand.

This includes making your Tweets and Insta Stories human. Nobody wants to engage with a faceless corporation.

2. Create Content People Want 

There is so much content online. You need to get creative about the kind of content you want to produce for your website.

What about starting a fun podcast? Have you thought about making some videos? Just make sure you concentrate on quality over quantity.

You also need to write blog posts. These should be valuable and insightful articles. You don’t just want SEO content packed with keywords.

3. Run Competitions With Prizes

If you want to market your business to an even bigger audience, you need to run competitions that create a buzz about your brand.

This can include everything from the opportunity to win an e-book published by your company or free vouchers to spend in your online store.

You can promote your brand and get media attention with your exciting competition for freebies. This is a keystone of any creative marketing strategy!

4. Collaborate With Others

If you get to know your industry, you’ll be surprised to discover that there are many prospective partners you work with. 

This could include YouTube influencers in your industry. You may be able to feature in one of their videos where they get a free guest, and you get to promote your brand.

What about working with a compatible company to promote your business? Maybe you have kitchenware products, and you can team up with a food product company.

5. Grab the Attention of the Media

The media has a short attention span. That’s why you need to gain attention for your business by winning headlines.

How can you achieve this? Do something that makes you stand out from the crowd. This could be anything shocking for your audience.

You could also sponsor an event related to your brand to make people stop and take notice.

Creative Ways to Market your Business

There are many creative ways to market your business. You just need to decide which ideas are most suitable for your company.

This could include anything from advertising your brand with a social media campaign or grabbing the attention of the media with a stunt.

Do you want to learn more? Check out our website for much more!