10 eCommerce Digital Marketing Tips You Can’t Ignore

ecommerce digital marketing

So you’ve finally decided to start your own eCommerce store. Well, that’s a pretty smart call. You’re joining an industry that’s estimated to bring in $2 trillion this year!

And make no mistake, eCommerce is only going to continue to grow. That figure is expected to double within the next two years, with more growth to come.


With that said, those looking to maximize profits need to know how to market themselves. With new options popping up for customers each day, it can be hard to stand out.

The right eCommerce digital marketing strategy can get you more customers, more exposure, and of course, more profits. Ready to learn more?

Here are 10 indispensable eCommerce digital marketing tips to get you started.

1. Create A Comprehensive eCommerce Digital Marketing Plan

No business succeeds without a plan, and eCommerce is certainly no exception. Planning may not be the most exciting part of business, but it’s a necessary evil.

Start by listing every resource you intend to use. This includes site builders, analytics tools, social media sites, etc.

But the ‘why’ is just as important (if not more) than the ‘what?’ Every step of your digital marketing plan should have a justification. Why are you using that particular social channel? Why that site builder?

The more fleshed out your plan, the likelier you are to succeed. If there are elements of your strategy that aren’t justifiable, they’re extemporaneous and need to be removed.

2. Separate Yourself From The Competition

On one hand, it’s great that eCommerce is so ubiquitous these days. But it also means sharper competition.

Unfortunately, there’s little you can do about it. eCommerce is only going to get more prevalent in the coming years.

The good news is that these numbers can work to your benefit. You’ll need to set your store apart to prove that you’re worth customers’ time.

Consider catering to a niche audience. You’ll have a built-in audience and a more targeted product line.

3. Email Marketing Still Works

Email marketing used to be the biggest digital marketing tactic businesses had at their disposal. It was relatively cheap and extremely effective.

Surprisingly, this is still one of the most effective forms of marketing. However, you’ll need to know what to do — and more importantly, what not to do.

On average, people get about 122 emails per day. Most of which, as you may have guessed, isn’t even relevant to their interests.

If you want customers to open your emails, reward their time. Offer coupons or give information about the latest sales. Your emails should enhance a user’s day not waste their time.

4. Set Small, Achievable Goals

If this is your first venture into the world of eCommerce, you may have some lofty expectations. But no business starts out with thousands of customers and a major profit.

No, even the largest business had to start small and you should do the same.
Professionals suggest starting out with what they call SMART goals. Your goals should be:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

For instance “Make $1 million” isn’t quite as helpful as “Get 100 customers in my first quarter” is it? The latter is far more attainable.

Once you get in the habit of making these small goals, you’ll start to gain momentum. Then, and only then, is it time to start thinking more globally.

5. Create An App

Smartphones have changed the way your customer’s shop. And now, if they can’t get your product on to go, they’ll get it from the competitor.

To compete in today’s fast market, you’ll need to make sure customers can reach your store anytime on any device. Create an app featuring a simplified layout to reach as many customers as possible.

6. Minimize Site Clutter

Of course, an app isn’t an excuse for a poor desktop experience. Your storefront needs to be fast, sharp, and easy to use. Take some inspiration from the bigger business like Amazon, eBay, or even niche sites like Dropified.

You don’t always need an elaborate layout. Sometimes less is more. Give customers clear descriptions, photos of the product, and a way to find related products.

Cart abandonment is one of the biggest issues facing eCommerce today. Avoid adding to the multi-billion dollar pile of discarded goods by streamlining an easy checkout process. The fewer steps to checkout, the likelier a customer is to complete the purchase.

7. Encourage Customer Reviews

So far we’ve talked a lot about the end user experience, but what about after checkout? The customer’s experience doesn’t have to end once their purchase is complete.

Encourage thoughtful product reviews. The user will feel great knowing their feedback is valued, and you’ll get a nice SEO boost.

8. Use Social Media… Correctly

If a business isn’t on social media, it may as well not exist. However, social media presence alone doesn’t guarantee an audience. You’ll have to know how to use social media in a smart, efficient way.

While likes and page views are important, it’s far more important that you use social media to get your site more views. Don’t forget to regularly cross-post content, including new product listings and sales info.

9. Write About Your Experience

The days of faceless corporations are gone. Today’s consumer wants to feel a connection with their brands. Provide regular updates on your store’s blog.

Writing will be a cathartic experience for you, and your customers will get a better sense of the people behind the brand. eCommerce digital marketing isn’t always about data and figures. Sometimes it’s just about a human connection.

10. Check In Regularly

Great resources are one thing, but make sure they’re worth your time and money.

Check in with your analytic tools every week or so to see how your eCommerce digital marketing strategy is tracking. If certain keywords are tracking, you can make some much-needed adjustments.

Final Thoughts On eCommerce Digital Marketing

eCommerce digital marketing isn’t something one can master overnight. But remain diligent and don’t forget to check in with your analytics. These tips should accelerate your progress.

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